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The Lower East Side Restoration Project

Own a piece of Jewish History

Museum Quality Antique Judaica

Channukah Gifts, More Antiques & Silver, Slverplate, and Antique Immigrant Wares

At the turn of the century Allen Street on New York's Lower East Side was known as "Brass Town" for the proliferation of fine metalworking being done there by the Jewish Immigrants from Russia and Poland. This area of New York is now an extension of Chinatown. Where once hundreds of Jewish Immigrant metalsmiths were busy at their craft in over 300 shops, now there are none.

As the millions of Immigrants adapted to the New World, modern life, and the advent of electricity, many Russian antique items made by the Immigrants were put away and forgotten, some traded, some pawned, some sold and some simply left behind.

Connect to the Immigrant Experience and own a piece of history.

We welcome your inquires about this historic collection.


The Lower East Side Restoration Project
(800) 905-6160

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